Monday, February 16, 2009

Please pass the "butt!"

AJ: "Mom, can you cut me another piece of bread? From the end?"

Maureen: "That's called the 'heel' of the bread, did you know that?"

AJ: "No, why is it called that?"

Maureen: "Well, I guess because it looks like the heel of your foot?"

AJ: "Hmm. Well, I think it looks like a 'butt.' Mom, can you cut me a butt please?"

Maureen: "Sure AJ, one butt coming up!"

1 comment:

Team O'D VA said...

Thank you, AJ, for adding another fine one to the family lexicon -- joining "Chucka bun" and "Have a pickle, Mike" and "Hotta, hotta, hotta, hut hut."