Well, the 6th Annual Whitney Christmas Party is over, but it is definitely one for the record books! Here are some of the numbers for you!
* People attended: 48
* Yankee Swap gifts: 34
* Beers spilled on rug - 2 (that I know about!)
* Empty wine bottles - 10
* Empty beer cases - 6
* Empty vodka bottles - 1
* Karaoke songs sung - many, many, many!
* Karaoke songs sung well - very few!
* Table dancers - 6
* Fires - 1
* Number of guests pulled over on the way home - 1
* Number of tickets issued - 0 (Phew!)
* Years the chicken pitcher has made it to the Yankee Swap - 6
* Time the last guests left: 2:45am
It was an absolute blast and wish I had photos to prove it! Will have to remember that next year. In the mean time my memory will have to suffice and I will not soon forget:
Kelly dancing on the table
Carney wearing Laura's red leather jacket
The candle on the mantle catching fire and the smoke detector going off
The soot covering my wall and ceiling
Peter flying across the coffee table on his belly
The mistletoe belt
The picture of Mike asleep at Fenway that made it to the Yankee Swap
All of the karaoke songs
Can't wait until next year!