It's Labor Day and instead of sleeping in like I should have (especially after arriving home at 11:30 last night from taking AJ and Emma to the Jonas Brothers concert - can you say SCREAMING girls??) I got up at 6:45 to run with my "girls." And thank goodness for them as I would never haul my butt out of bed if they were not pushing me to do so! It looks like it will be a beautiful day here today so it was a nice, albeit a bit stiff, 4.4 miles!
Labor Day is the day we celebrate the working people, right? So I'd like to celebrate my Dad who worked so hard every day of his life (and continues to do so part-time even though he turned 70 yesterday!). Thanks Dad! Thanks for getting up every day and going in there, even when some days (or years) I know it was painful for you to do so!
And my Mom - yes she took time off when we were little (thanks Dad for being cool with that), but went back to teaching as soon as we were in school. She had jobs she loved and jobs she did not enjoy, but went into the classroom every day to help Dad put all 4 of us through school - amongst other things that they helped with but didn't need to!
Like when I graduated from college and had no job and no money. I moved to Boston and my parents paid my rent until I found a job. And, when I got an offer that would have removed their "rent liability" but I just did not feel good about the job, Mom said - "Don't take it!" Thanks again Mom and Dad!
And Mike. He actually likes going to Burton every day, but thanks Mike for never complaininig as I cut my hours more and more without figuring out how we were going to do it financially! Now if he would only let me quit!
And lastly - a shout out to all my "Mom" friends who know what REAL labor is!
Happy Labor Day!